Cooking Time


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  •   1 Gressingham ® Goose
  •   oil
  •   salt
  •   pepper


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    Step 1

    Preheat oven to 180°C, Fan 160°C, Gas Mark 4.
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    Step 2

    Remove giblets etc and any spare fat from inside cavity. Use the spare fat to spread over the legs of the goose.
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    Step 3

    Weigh the goose to calculate the cooking time which is 30 minutes per 1 kg.
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    Step 4

    Place the goose on a rack in a large roasting tin then prick the skin all over with a fork and rub a teaspoon of salt into the skin. Cover loosely with foil and place in the middle of the preheated oven.
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    Step 5

    Carefully pour off the goose fat occasionally. This can be kept to make roast potatoes
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    Step 6

    Remove the foil for the last 30 minutes of cook time. When the cooking time's up, lift the goose on to a carving dish, cover with foil and rest for 20 minutes before carving. This retains more of the juices for a more succulent roast


  • 1 Gressingham ® Goose
  • oil
  • salt
  • pepper