Rabbit Terrine

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Ingredients Rabbit Terrine

  •   1 whole farmed Rabbit
  • g cooked Foie Gras
  •   1 litre of Rabbit stock
  • g Mirepoix of Vegetables Carrot, Celery, Shallot and Leek
  • g White Wine
  • g chopped Parsley
  • g Brunoise Carrot, Celery, Shallot and Leek
  •   4 leafs of gelatine

Prune Malt Loaf

  • g Prune juice
  •   1 English Tea bag
  • g Malt extract
  • g Black Treacle
  • g Dark brown Sugar
  • g Dry Prunes
  • g Whole Grain Flour
  • g Plain Flour
  • g Baking Powder
  •   Salt

Pickled beetroots

  •   5 baby Candy stripe Beetroots
  •   5 baby Golden Beetroots
  • ml White Wine Vinegar
  • ml Water
  • g Sugar
  •   1 Star Anise
  • g coriander seeds
  • g pink peppercorns
  • g white peppercorns
  • g sea salt
  •   2 cloves
  • g yellow mustard seeds

Beetroot jelly

  • ml purple beetroot jui
  • ml Lemmon juice
  •   3 gelatine leafs


  •   3 Fresh Breakfast Radishes

Mizuna cress

  •   10 sprigs of Mizuna cress

  • 1

    Step 1

    Rabbit Terrine- Remove the legs, belly, liver, heart and loins from the Rabbit then chop the carcass into 1 inch pieces.
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    Step 2

    Pan fry the carcass pieces, belly and legs until deep brown then add to the rabbit stocks dropped simmer for 45 minuets
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    Step 3

    Pan fry the livers, heart and loins until just cooked then rest
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    Step 4

    Remove the legs and belly from the stock then strain, season and add soaked gelatine
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    Step 5

    Add the Brunoise of vegetables to the stock and cook until tender then remove from the heat
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    Step 6

    Pull the meat from the legs and add to the stock and Brunoise with the livers, hart, loins and parsley
  • 7

    Step 7

    Dice the cooked Foir Gras into small cubes and add to the meat, stock and parsley mixture
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    Step 8

    Layer mixture into a Terrine mould and refrigerate until fully set
  • 9

    Step 9

    De mould the terrine and slice
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    Step 10

    Prune malt loaf - Heat the prune juice, brown sugar and tea bag then leave to infuse for 10 minuets
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    Step 11

    Finely dice the dry prunes then add the malt and treacle
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    Step 12

    Remove the tea bag then pore the 2 mixtures together and stir well
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    Step 13

    Sift together the flours salt and baking powder then add to the wet ingredients and mix to a batter
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    Step 14

    Pour the batter into a loaf tin and bake for 20 minuets at 180°c then lower oven temperature to 160°c and continue to cook for a further 20 - 30 minuets until thoroughly cooked
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    Step 15

    Allow to cool on a cooling rack then slice into thin strips and bake until crisp.
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    Step 16

    Pickled beet roots- Gently fry spices in the dry pan then add the vinegar water and sugar and bring to the boil
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    Step 17

    Divide the pickling liquor into two batches then finally dice one of each of the beat roots and add to the pickling liquors to create one golden and one pink pickling liquor
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    Step 18

    Peel the beat roots then add them to their respective pickling liquors, bring to the boil then cover and remove from the heat then set aside until needed
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    Step 19

    Beetroot jelly- Soak the gelatine then bring the beat root juice to the boil then add the gelatine
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    Step 20

    Pour the beetroot juice into a mould and set in the fridge Shave the radish into thin strips
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    Step 21

    Serving/Presentation: Presentation Stick the malt loaf crisps onto the side of the Terrine using malt extract, de mould the jelly then placed alongside the terrine, garnish the top of the jelly with pickled beetroot, shaved radish and Mizuna cress


  • 1 whole farmed Rabbit
  • 75 g cooked Foie Gras
  • 1 litre of Rabbit stock
  • 400 g Mirepoix of Vegetables Carrot, Celery, Shallot and Leek
  • 250 g White Wine
  • 50 g chopped Parsley
  • 100 g Brunoise Carrot, Celery, Shallot and Leek
  • 4 leafs of gelatine
  • 75 g Prune juice
  • 1 English Tea bag
  • 70 g Malt extract
  • 20 g Black Treacle
  • 25 g Dark brown Sugar
  • 100 g Dry Prunes
  • 63 g Whole Grain Flour
  • 63 g Plain Flour
  • 7 g Baking Powder
  • Salt
  • 5 baby Candy stripe Beetroots
  • 5 baby Golden Beetroots
  • 500 ml White Wine Vinegar
  • 400 ml Water
  • 50 g Sugar
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 20 g coriander seeds
  • 20 g pink peppercorns
  • 5 g white peppercorns
  • 5 g sea salt
  • 2 cloves
  • 20 g yellow mustard seeds
  • 250 ml purple beetroot jui
  • 10 ml Lemmon juice
  • 3 gelatine leafs
  • 3 Fresh Breakfast Radishes
  • 10 sprigs of Mizuna cress