Pistachio Mousse

Cooking Time


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  • g Anglaise
  • g Pistachio
  • g Leaf gelatine
  • g White Chocolate
  • g Whipping Cream


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    Step 1

    Make a sauce anglaise.
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    Step 2

    Whilst sauce anglaise is hot add soaked and drained gelatin, make sure that this is fully incorporated before the next stage.
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    Step 3

    Use a whisk to mix in the Pistachio paste, make sure this is mixed in well.
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    Step 4

    Pour the warm mixture on top of the chocolate, mix until fully mixed in.. If all of the chocolate is not fully incorporated and the mix goes cold, gently reheat the mix but no warmer than 40c.
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    Step 5

    When mix is cool, around 30c gently fold in the 1/3 of the whipped cream.
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    Step 6

    When fully mixed, add the 2nd 1/3 of cream, carefully gently folding into the mixture.
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    Step 7

    Lastly, add the remaining 1/3 of cream very carefully.
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    Step 8

    Spoon or pipe the mix into desired moulds, place in fridge or freezer until set.


  • 500 g Anglaise
  • 60 g Pistachio
  • 12 g Leaf gelatine
  • 230 g White Chocolate
  • 600 g Whipping Cream