Peach Melba

Cooking Time


Increase Portion Size

  • g peaches
  • g sugar
  • ml water
  • g leaf gelatine
  • ml Monte Bello Peach Brandy
  • g ground almonds
  • g sugar
  • g flour
  • g egg whites For the raspberry crisp
  • g raspberry purée
  • g sugar
  • g pectin
  • g whipping cream
  • g milk
  • g vanilla pod
  • g egg yolks
  • g caster sugar
  • g stabiliser
  • g egg whites
  • g sugar
  • g purée
  • g raspberry purée
  • g sugar

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    Step 1

    For the Peach Jelly - Make a simple syrup with 500g sugar and 500ml water. Quarter and de-stone the 6 peaches and add to the poaching liqueur (add the brandy towards the end of the cooking time). Then purée the peaches with some of the poaching liqueur and add the soaked gelatine. Once this is done, place in moulds.
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    Step 2

    For the almond sponge - Mix 75g almonds, 75g sugar, 20g flour and 5 egg whites in a bowl and pass through a sieve. Then place the mix in espuma gun with three charges. After this place in a disposable cup with holes in and cook for 45 seconds in the microwave.
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    Step 3

    For the raspberry crisp - Mix 50g sugar and 5g pectin together and add to the 250g raspberry purée. Cook out on stove until the consistency of jam. Once this is done spread on silicone mat and cook at 100°C for one hour.
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    Step 4

    For the vanilla ice cream - Heat 500g milk, 500 ml cream and 1 vanilla pod on the stove. Whisk together 200g egg yolks and 250g sugar. Pour 500g milk mix over the eggs while whisking. Strain mix into a pot and cook on stove until desired consistency. When cooled add 50g stabiliser and place mix in the ice cream machine.
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    Step 5

    For the raspberry Italian meringue - Place 55g whites in mixing bowl and put on a slow mix. Place 105g sugar in a pan with just enough water to cover and heat on the stove until it has reached 121°C. Pour slowly over the whisked egg whites then speed up the whisk. After you have your Italian meringue add in your 50g purée.
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    Step 6

    For the raspberry sauce - Place 40g raspberry purée and 20g sugar in a pan and reduce down until shiny. Pass through a fine mesh sieve.


Increase Portion Size

  • g peaches
  • g sugar
  • ml water
  • g leaf gelatine
  • ml Monte Bello Peach Brandy
  • g ground almonds
  • g sugar
  • g flour
  • g egg whites For the raspberry crisp
  • g raspberry purée
  • g sugar
  • g pectin
  • g whipping cream
  • g milk
  • g vanilla pod
  • g egg yolks
  • g caster sugar
  • g stabiliser
  • g egg whites
  • g sugar
  • g purée
  • g raspberry purée
  • g sugar