Pan roast cod, potatoes fondant with garden peas and vegetables with sauce vierge

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  • g potatoes
  • g goose Fat
  •   1/2 pint chicken stock
  • g large tomato
  • g spring onions
  • g cucumber
  •   1/4 garlic clove
  • g olive oil
  • g lemon juice
  • g orange juice
  •   salt – pinch
  •   pepper – pinch
  •   1 tbsp fresh basil
  •   1 tbsp fresh mint
  • g cherry tomatoes
  • g parsnip
  • g carrot
  • g peas
  • g broad beans
  • g cod fillet


  • 1

    Step 1

    Peel and cut potatoes for fondants, you should wash and dry then season them with salt and pepper.
  • 2

    Step 2

    Heat a pan, add the goose fat and cook potatoes on both sides until golden.
  • 3

    Step 3

    Add chicken stock to the pan until the potatoes are half covered.
  • 4

    Step 4

    Put the pan in the oven at 150oc until the potatoes are tender.
  • 5

    Step 5

    Remove core and cut a cross on top of the large tomatoes and blanch in salted boiling water for 5 seconds then place straight into ice water to cool. Remove the skins then cut into quarters and remove the seeds and dice the tomato flesh. Wash the spring onions then chargrill for 30 seconds on each side to colour.
  • 6

    Step 6

    Peel the cucumber and cut into desired shapes then lightly pan sear.
  • 7

    Step 7

    Make the vierge sauce by chopping up the garlic, add to the oil and whisk in the lemon and orange juice. Season with salt and pepper then chop the basil and mint and stir into the sauce.
  • 8

    Step 8

    Slice the cherry tomatoes in half and place in a mixing bowl with the cucumbers, diced tomatoes and spring onions then mix in the sauce vierge and leave to marinade.
  • 9

    Step 9

    Peel the inner layers of the parsnips for crisps, lightly coat in oil and season with salt and pepper. Place on a baking sheet and cook in the oven for 20 minutes at 140oc.
  • 10

    Step 10

    Prepare the carrots, peas and broad beans for cooking in time with the fish.
  • 11

    Step 11

    Heat a heavy based pan on medium high heat, then add a good splash of oil. Season the portions of cod and sear the fillets skin side down cook for 3-5 minutes until the fish is cooked over half way through then flip the fish over and finish in the oven for 2 minutes
  • 12

    Step 12

    Remove fondant potatoes and vegetables to plate the meal with the fish and Vierge dressing.


  • 330 g potatoes
  • 40 g goose Fat
  • 1/2 pint chicken stock
  • 90 g large tomato
  • 45 g spring onions
  • 60 g cucumber
  • 1/4 garlic clove
  • 60 g olive oil
  • 30 g lemon juice
  • 30 g orange juice
  • salt – pinch
  • pepper – pinch
  • 1 tbsp fresh basil
  • 1 tbsp fresh mint
  • 60 g cherry tomatoes
  • 45 g parsnip
  • 75 g carrot
  • 90 g peas
  • 60 g broad beans
  • 510 g cod fillet