Oysters Rockerfeller

Cooking Time


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  •   oysters
  •   2 tbsp butter
  •   1 tsp finely chopped shallots
  •   1 tsp chopped celery leaves
  •   1 tsp chopped flat parsley
  •   1/2 tsp snipped tarragon
  •   a few drops angostura
  •   a few drops tabasco
  •   3 tbsp fine Ciabatta breadcrumbs.


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    Step 1

    Preheat the grill to its highest setting.
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    Step 2

    Open the spanking fresh oysters with a shucker. Check you have left no shards of shell in the oyster shell.
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    Step 3

    Place in fridge until further use.
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    Step 4

    Melt the butter in a small frying pan. add the shallots and cook until soft add the breadcrumbs cook until crumb is nicely buttery toastie.
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    Step 5

    Remove pan from heat stir in the herbs and celery leaves.
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    Step 6

    You should have a fragrant delicious green coloured crumb. Place a teaspoon of crumb herb mixture onto each half oyster shell to evenly cover the oysters.
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    Step 7

    Place the oysters onto a baking tray and place under the grill cook until the crumb is lightly coloured .


  • oysters
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp finely chopped shallots
  • 1 tsp chopped celery leaves
  • 1 tsp chopped flat parsley
  • 1/2 tsp snipped tarragon
  • a few drops angostura
  • a few drops tabasco
  • 3 tbsp fine Ciabatta breadcrumbs.