Orkney Scallops with celeriac purée By Shaune Hall

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Ingredients For the scallops

  •   10 Orkney hand-dived scallops
  • g unsalted butter
  • g whole white peppercorns
  • g Maldon Sea Salt
  •   1/2 lemon
  • ml pomace olive oil

For the celeriac purée

  • g celeriac
  • ml double cream fresh
  • ml full-fat milk
  •   sea salt
  •   white pepper

For the ocean dressing

  • g runny honey
  •   1 banana shallots
  •   1 lemon
  • g baby capers
  • g cornichons
  •   fresh dill
  •   fennel
  •   Mara Seaweed


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    Step 1

    Scallops : Remove from shell and set in fridge till ready to cook. When cooking, ensue same sizes are cooked together, 1 minute per side, remove from pan, cool down pan, then deglaze with lemon and finally oil, emulsify, baste scallops. Serve at once.
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    Step 2

    Celeriac purée : Cut the celeriac into pieces, wash and drain. Add into water and milk mix lightly seasoned. Bring to boil, turn down and simmer till just soft (use cartouche method). Drain, heat up cream and season. Place celeriac into blender, adding cream little by little, blend till extra smooth. Pass through chinois if required. Blast chill till ready to use, then reheat lightly over low heat
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    Step 3

    Ocean dressing : Finely dice shallots, fennel, celery and cornichons. Add capers, lemon juice and honey to taste. Whisk while adding 50/50 Extra Virgin and Pomace Blend. Season if required to taste. Finely add roughly chopped dill and dried Hebridean seaweed.
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    Step 4

    Serve : Cook the scallops cooked a la minute. Bring dressing to room temperature. Heat up purée. Serve at once.


  • 10 Orkney hand-dived scallops
  • 50 g unsalted butter
  • 5 g whole white peppercorns
  • 10 g Maldon Sea Salt
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 25 ml pomace olive oil
  • 400 g celeriac
  • 200 ml double cream fresh
  • 100 ml full-fat milk
  • sea salt
  • white pepper
  • 5 g runny honey
  • 1 banana shallots
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 g baby capers
  • 1.5 g cornichons
  • fresh dill
  • fennel
  • Mara Seaweed