Macphie Black Cherry and Kirsch Terrine

Why not try this modern dessert recipe with a nostalgic twist from Macphie!

Cooking Time


Increase Portion Size

  •   Macphie Panna Cotta 1kg
  • g seedless black cherries
  • g gold gelatine leaf
  • g caster sugar
  • g water


Next Stage

  • 1

    Step 1

    Bring water to the boil and then add 100g of cherries and the sugar.
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    Step 2

    Mix well for about 2 minutes trying to crush the cherries to extract as much colour and flavour as you can.
  • 3

    Step 3

    Remove from heat.
  • 4

    Step 4

    After liquid cools for about 2 minutes pour through a strainer to remove all the crushed cherry.
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    Step 5

    Bloom the gelatine and then add to the liquid, stirring to ensure it dissolves completely.
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    Step 6

    Pour the remaining cherries into a lined terrine followed by the jelly mixture. Shake to ensure the mixture is level.
  • 7

    Step 7

    Freeze or refrigerate until product is fully set (approximately 4 hours refrigerated).
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    Step 8

    Heat Macphie Panna Cotta mix in a pan, allow to come to the boil for 2 minutes, stirring continuously.
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    Step 9

    Remove from heat and allow to cool to approximately 35°C.
  • 10

    Step 10

    Remove jelly from the fridge and pour the cool Panna Cotta mix over the top.
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    Step 11

    Place back in the fridge for a further 2 hours before turning out and serving.


  • 1 Macphie Panna Cotta 1kg
  • 500 g seedless black cherries
  • 10 g gold gelatine leaf
  • 250 g caster sugar
  • 500 g water