Ham, Emmental Cheese & Red Onion Feel Good Panini

Cooking Time


Increase Portion Size

  • g Wafer thin roasted ham
  • g Emmental Cheese
  • g Délifrance Feel good panini.

  • 1

    Step 1

    Defrost the panini at room temperature for 30 mins.
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    Step 2

    Slice the Emmental cheese into good size slices approximately 15g in weight.
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    Step 3

    Slice your Feel Good panini down the length of the product, leaving a hinge.
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    Step 4

    Fill the panni first with 30g wafer thin roast ham followed by 15g of cheese.
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    Step 5

    Toast and serve.


  • 600 g Wafer thin roasted ham
  • 300 g Emmental Cheese
  • 20 g Délifrance Feel good panini.