Dysphagia Orange Pastry

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  • g Cooked McDougalls pastry mix
  • g Milk
  • g 'No bits' orange juice
  • g Vegi gel


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    Step 1

    Place the pastry into a food processor. Blend to a fine crumb.
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    Step 2

    In a pan add the pastry crumb, orange juice, and milk and gently bring to the boil. Add the Vegi gel and whisk to ensure all the ingredients are mixed together. Simmer for 2 minutes.
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    Step 3

    Then pour onto a tray lined with cling film, cover with cling film and roll out, so you get a thin layer. Leave to set, then cut out and use as a base for any sweet pastry recipe.


  • 250 g Cooked McDougalls pastry mix
  • 300 g Milk
  • 200 g 'No bits' orange juice
  • 10 g Vegi gel