Coconut, banana & passion fruit cream pie

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  • g Country Range Oat Flakes
  • g Country Range Coconut (Dried)
  • g Country Range Cheesecake Crumb Base
  •   tbsp coconut sugar
  • g coconut oil
  • ml Country Range Coconut Milk (Solid)
  • ml Country Range Coconut Milk (liquid)
  •   tbsp Country Range Cornflour
  •   tbsp Country Range Maple & Agave syrup
  • g whole passion fruits
  • g bananas

  • 1

    Step 1

    To make the base, toast the oats in a dry pan or in the oven until golden and place into a bowl. Add the cheesecake base, coconut sugar and melted coconut oil to the toasted coconut and mix together.
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    Step 2

    Press the mix into a fluted tart mold.
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    Step 3

    Place the coconut milk tins in the fridge for 10 mins. Open the 2 tins and separate the solids from the liquid.
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    Step 4

    Mix the corn flour with a little water to form a thick liquid and whisk into the coconut milk in the pan. Over a low heat whisk continuously until it becomes thick. Add the maple syrup and chill in the fridge
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    Step 5

    Once cold whisk the mix until it has the consistency of a soft gel
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    Step 6

    In a separate bowl whisk the coconut solid until it looks like whipped cream.
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    Step 7

    Combine the whipped coconut and gel and fill the tart case then chill for 1 hour.
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    Step 8

    Top with slices of banana and passion fruit and serve with a dusting of coconut flakes.


  • 25 g Country Range Oat Flakes
  • 25 g Country Range Coconut (Dried)
  • 75 g Country Range Cheesecake Crumb Base
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 25 g coconut oil
  • 800 ml Country Range Coconut Milk (Solid)
  • 800 ml Country Range Coconut Milk (liquid)
  • 1 tbsp Country Range Cornflour
  • 2 tbsp Country Range Maple & Agave syrup
  • 4 g whole passion fruits
  • 3 g bananas