Caorunn Gin, Pink Pepper, Vanilla and Rhubarb Trifle

Cooking Time


Increase Portion Size

  • g Rhubarb stalk, peeled and peel reserved
  • g Pink Pepper Corns
  • g Caster Sugar
  • ml Dry White Wine
  • g Orange, finely grated rind of both and juice of 1
  • ml Grenadine
  • ml Caorunn Gin
  • g Gelatine Leaves, softened in cold water
  • g Eggs, room temperature
  • g Pink Peppercorn, crushed
  • g Caster Sugar (for sponge)
  • g Vanilla Pod, seeds scraped (for sponge)
  • g Self Raising Flour, finely sieved
  • g Unsalted Butter, melted
  • g ltr Double Cream
  • g ltr Milk
  • g Vanilla Pod, split and scraped (for custard)
  • g Egg Yolk
  • g Caster Sugar (for custard)

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    Step 1

    For the sponge, preheat oven to 200°C. Whisk eggs, pink pepper, vanilla and sugar with an electric whisk for about 5 minutes until light, fluffy and doubled in volume. Sift in flour and carefully fold to incorporate fully, then do the same with the butter. Pour onto lined baking tray and bake for about 6 minutes until nicely golden brown. Leave to cool for10 minutes then turn out onto a cooling wire and cool completely. Cut into shape of trifle glasses and place at bottom.
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    Step 2

    Turn oven down to 170°C.
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    Step 3

    Cut rhubarb into 5cm pieces and then again into 3 strips lengthways. Reserve trimmings.
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    Step 4

    For the jelly and baked rhubarb, put sugar, wine, rind, pink pepper, rhubarb trimmings and peelings, grenadine with 400ml of water and bring to the boil. Boil for 3 minutes and set aside to infuse. Place rhubarb strips into a roasting dish and strain syrup over rhubarb. Cover with baking paper then foil and cook for about 10 minutes until just tender. Leave to cool in syrup. Strain syrup again, add gin and drizzle a small amount over the sponge. Heat remaining syrup add gelatine (water squeezed out) and stir to dissolve. Set aside somewhere not to cool.
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    Step 5

    For the gin custard, bring cream, milk, vanilla to boil in thick bottomed pan. Set aside to cool. Whisk yolks and sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy. Pour in a small amount of the boiled cream mix onto the eggs to scorch. Add rest of cream mix very slowly a bit at a time whisking all the time. Return mix to pan and with a thermometer on the back of a spoon keep stirring the mix over a low heat until the mix reaches 82°C, remove from heat, add gin and quickly pour over sponge until glass is 3/4 full. Gently tap the glass to even out the top and place on a tray and refrigerate.
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    Step 6

    When chilled pour over the rhubabrb jelly until glass nearly full. Finish with roasted rhubarb, rhubarb crisp, toasted almond and a few passion fruit seeds.


Increase Portion Size

  • g Rhubarb stalk, peeled and peel reserved
  • g Pink Pepper Corns
  • g Caster Sugar
  • ml Dry White Wine
  • g Orange, finely grated rind of both and juice of 1
  • ml Grenadine
  • ml Caorunn Gin
  • g Gelatine Leaves, softened in cold water
  • g Eggs, room temperature
  • g Pink Peppercorn, crushed
  • g Caster Sugar (for sponge)
  • g Vanilla Pod, seeds scraped (for sponge)
  • g Self Raising Flour, finely sieved
  • g Unsalted Butter, melted
  • g ltr Double Cream
  • g ltr Milk
  • g Vanilla Pod, split and scraped (for custard)
  • g Egg Yolk
  • g Caster Sugar (for custard)