Aromatic Duck Breast with Gooseberry Chilli Chutney

Cooking Time


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  •   2x Duck Breast (trimmed and scored)
  •   2x Shallots (1x finely sliced, 1x rough sliced)
  •   1x Lemon grass (Crushed)
  • g Fresh Ginger (Skin on rough slice)
  •   2x Garlic cloves (Crushed)
  •   1x Rosemary (Whole stalk)
  •   2x Bay leafs
  •   2x Cloves
  •   1x Red Chilli (part finely diced, part left whole)
  • g Thai 5 spice
  • g Sea salt flakes
  • g Mixed Peppercorns (crushed)
  • ml Walnut Oil
  • g Golden Caster Sugar
  • ml Apple Cider Vinegar
  • g Fresh Gooseberries (green only)
  • ml Madeira
  • ml Brandy
  • ml Ruby Port
  • ml Veal stock
  •   1x Potato large (King Edward, washed, peeled and diced)
  • g Leeks (washed and medium diced)
  •   1x Courgette (large diced)
  •   1x Egg
  • g Gram Flour
  • g Strong Flour
  • g Instant yeast
  • g Turmeric
  • g Madras Curry Powder
  •   Pinch of Saffron
  • g Cauliflower (washed and cut)
  • g Butter
  • ml Milk
  • ml Double Cream
  • g Kale (washed and picked)
  •   Lime
  •   Pinch Nutmeg


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    Step 1

    Gooseberry Chutney • Sweat finely chopped shallots in little oil then add washed gooseberries and combine. • Add vinegar and then the sugar, reduce heat and simmer till chutney consistency. • Add finely chopped chillies and season, check and adjust if needed. • Set aside until needed.
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    Step 2

    Duck Breasts • Lightly season prepared duck breasts with salt, pepper and 5 spice. • Rub walnut oil into breasts and lay over aromats. • Set aside till ready to cook
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    Step 3

    Cauliflower • Sweat off sliced shallots in little butter, then add cauliflower, combine, then the milk • Cook over low heat, loosely covered with cartouche till soft. • Strain, keeping liquid, then blitz till fine puree, pass through fine sieve and season. • Adjust seasoning, finish with a small pinch of nutmeg, set aside till ready for use.
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    Step 4

    Pakora • Season diced potatoes and leeks and oven roast with little butter covered till soft. • Add courgettes, mixed and roast for 5 more minutes. • Rapidly cool this mixture. • Now, mix instant yeast with tepid water and let ferment. • Separately, combine egg with water, yeast and milk, whisking in flour and spices to taste. • Fold in the potato mixture. • Quenelle with dessert spoons and drop into fryer, oil temperature at 165°C • Fry till golden brown all round, approximately 5 minutes. • Cool, slice into two halves and set aside for plating up.
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    Step 5

    Kale • Lastly, in warm pan, melt butter and oil, season and add kale. • Squeeze lime juice and pinch of nutmeg over and cook covered for a few seconds. • Drain.
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    Step 6

    Execution of Dish • In a medium hot pan, sear the duck breasts skin side down, adding aromats and shallot trimmings. • Add pakoras to the same pan. • When golden brown and crisp skin achieved, flip all over, then return to a oven tray. • Cook pakoras and duck in 185°C oven for 4 minutes, take out and rest. • In the meantime, deglaze the cooking pan with brandy, Madeira then the port and reduce. • Add veal stock, turn up heat and boil till syrup consistency. Pass and reserve. • Slice each breast into two even lengthwise cuts. • Ensure all ingredients are ready and hot, start plating, finishing with warm chutney and pan jus.


  • 2x Duck Breast (trimmed and scored)
  • 2x Shallots (1x finely sliced, 1x rough sliced)
  • 1x Lemon grass (Crushed)
  • 10 g Fresh Ginger (Skin on rough slice)
  • 2x Garlic cloves (Crushed)
  • 1x Rosemary (Whole stalk)
  • 2x Bay leafs
  • 2x Cloves
  • 1x Red Chilli (part finely diced, part left whole)
  • 1 g Thai 5 spice
  • 5 g Sea salt flakes
  • 3 g Mixed Peppercorns (crushed)
  • 20 ml Walnut Oil
  • 50 g Golden Caster Sugar
  • 30 ml Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 50 g Fresh Gooseberries (green only)
  • 20 ml Madeira
  • 20 ml Brandy
  • 10 ml Ruby Port
  • 100 ml Veal stock
  • 1x Potato large (King Edward, washed, peeled and diced)
  • 30 g Leeks (washed and medium diced)
  • 1x Courgette (large diced)
  • 1x Egg
  • 250 g Gram Flour
  • 30 g Strong Flour
  • 5 g Instant yeast
  • 2 g Turmeric
  • 2 g Madras Curry Powder
  • Pinch of Saffron
  • 200 g Cauliflower (washed and cut)
  • 30 g Butter
  • 100 ml Milk
  • 30 ml Double Cream
  • 120 g Kale (washed and picked)
  • Lime
  • Pinch Nutmeg